Strange title for a blog post, I know. Just wanted to give you all a very quick update as to where we are at! Liquor license...check. Health Department...check. We are, however, waiting for the City to issue our final permits. The wine list is complete and we are starting to trickle in our kegs and cases of wine. Ditto on the brewski front. Our tap system will be complete this Friday and we will have what I like to call "quality control" checks throughout the weekend. We are very eager to open our doors, but are at the mercy of a few elements that are beyond our control at this point. We will have a "thank our contractors" private testing party when I am away for my Grandmother's 100th. When I return...all systems will hopefully be GO. Thank you for signing up to receive updates...continue to "Follow The Fire", as I am in the planning stages of several special events to be held here at Taverna Novo. Grazie e Salute.
